Learning Structure

The 1:1 adaptive learning system facilitates
balanced learning in 5 categories of mathematics.

Edubalance Math helps your children to have interest and confidence in mathematics.

Learning Steps

  • Accurate category-based
    evaluation is required for
    effective learning.
  • Based on the test result,
    category-based 1:1
    adaptive learning plan is
  • For each 5 category, a student takes lessons every day and all learning is structured step-by-step from concept study to in-depth questions.
  • Once a week, a creative question is provided to develop the thinking skills and unlimited calculation questions are provided to practice calculation.
  • Questions that have a wrong answer are automatically saved and solutions to every question are explained to help students to understand all the questions.

  • Once learning is finished, daily results can be checked instantly. Daily, weekly and monthly reports are given to check progress.

Learning Structure Video

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