
Why do children who were good at
mathematics give it up in middle school?

In elementary school, it is easy to think if students are good at calculation, they have an aptitude for mathematics.
However, as they move up to higher grades, they begin to meet creative and complex problems.
If they cannot solve such creative and complex problems, they give up mathematics.
They lose confidence and begin to hate mathematics.

Current learning systems or
methodology cannot be a solution.

While all academies or publishers are making similar systems or materials,
Edubalance has created category-based 1:1 adaptive learning system for children.

Math in Academy /
Home-school Materials

  • Rote Learning for 1 to Multiple Learners
  • Prerequisite Learning
    Regardless of Student’s
  • School Year-based Material

Edubalance Math

  • 1:1 Adaptive Learning
  • Level-based Learning Course
  • 5-Category Learning

This is Edubalance Math.

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즐겨찾기 해두시면 더 편리하게 이용하실 수 있습니다.

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